We hope you enjoyed the 2025 edition of the Quintin Head


Saturday 25th January 2025 12:30

Key Details

12:30 Race start: Saturday 25th January 2024

Course: Chiswick Bridge (University Post) to Fulham Reach (between Hammersmith Bridge and Harrods Depository) on the ebb tide

Approximately 4400m raced with the tide.

Boat Types : Eights only

Categories for Open & Women.

Senior : Championship; Senior; Intermediate 1; Intermediate 2 & Development

Junior : J18, J16, J15

Masters : Masters B and all older categories

Coxes must be no younger than J15.

Prizes: Medals for all members of crews winning a category with 3 or more entries.
Masters categories with fewer than 3 entries may be combined with other masters categories and decided on handicap.

Banding: Senior Open and Senior Women’s crews will be banded according to their Crew Ranking Index, but:

  • A crew may opt to be banded as Championship (the top band) by ticking the box provided in BROE.
  • We may put a crew in a higher band than is implied by its CRI if we consider such a move would make the band allocation fairer.

The dividing lines between the bands will depend on how all the CRIs are distributed and will not be decided until entries have closed.  There will not be equal numbers of crews in each band.  We expect to put fewer crews in the higher bands than in the lower ones.

Junior Victor Ludorum: Thanks to the trustees of the Quintin Hogg Memorial Fund there will be two junior victor ludorum prizes of a Cox Box – one for boys and one for girls. For each gender the prize will go to the school or club with the fastest total time for its J18, J16 & J15 crews.  If a school or club has more than one crew in an age group the time of its fastest crew will count.  The prize will not be awarded if only one school or club has crews in all three age groups.

Enquiries: to Malcolm Cook (Entries Secretary) on 020 8658 0908 or e-mail head@quintinboatclub.org

Entry Fees: £128 per crew.  Any crew that fails to return its bow number undamaged within a month of the race will be charged £15.

Note on Entries : As of the 13th December we have reached our limit of 300 crews. Entries remain open but only onto a waiting list.

Entries: by 12 noon Thursday 16th January, only via BROE.  Will open at 12 noon Tuesday 10th December 2024.

Pay through BROE or by bank transfer to the Quintin Boat Club account 30-92-01 00055969 or by cheque payable to Quintin Boat Club and sent to Malcolm Cook, 15 Seychelle Court, Foxgrove Road, Beckenham, Kent BR3 5XU.  If you pay by bank transfer please email head@quintinboatclub.org to make it clear which crews you have paid for.  Crews withdrawing after close of entries will still be liable for their entry fees.

BROE will require each crew to specify the club from which it will be boating.  Visiting crews must obtain the host club’s permission before entering.

The race will be limited to 300 crews.  We will accept the first 300 completed entries.  An entry is complete only when a full crew has been input, when boating permission has been obtained from the host club and when the entry fee has been paid.   BROE will have a ‘main list’ and a ‘waiting list’.  Initially all entries should be made on the main list.  Once 300 entries have been accepted we will suspend the main list, open the waiting list and transfer any incomplete entries from the main list to the waiting list.  Accepted crews that withdraw before the close of entries will be replaced by completed entries from the waiting list in order of completion.

No crew that includes any juniors will be accepted without a mobile phone number for a responsible person who can be contacted in an emergency on the day of the race.

Substitutes: When we publish the start order we will also publish the highest CRI in each of the lower four bands for senior open and senior women’s crews.  If a crew in one of those bands makes substitutions after the close of entries which take its CRI to more than 125% of the highest in that band the crew will be ineligible for the band prize but will still be eligible for the overall prize.

Refunds: If the race has to be cancelled because of unsafe conditions crews will be given a partial refund which will take account of costs that have already been incurred.

Raced under British Rowing Rules of Racing and in accordance with Row Safe and the Tideway Code of Practice.